Managing Excess Rainfall & Ponding In Your Field With Precision Landforming Solutions
It’s fair to say it’s been a wetter than normal Autumn this year. In fact, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) reported April rainfall 27% above average for Australia as a whole.
Due to the rainfall, many farmers are experiencing waterlogged fields and excessive ponding, impacting yield and operations.
With this, we’d like to explore Vantage’s next gen landforming solutions to help farmers effectively manage water on their land.
What is Landforming?
You may be aware of planar laser levelling to level fields for irrigation - but there are better ways to manage ponding and drainage issues for dry land and pivot irrigation applications.
That’s where Optimum Surface Landforming comes in.
Optimum Surface Landforming involves modifying field topography by cutting and filling to a predetermined 3D surface using GPS machine control.
While it’s similar to laser grading in that it is the process of levelling a land surface to a desired gradient by cutting, filling, and smoothing the soil, Optimum Surface Landforming uses a variable-grade, 3-dimensional surface instead of a single plane design, improving water management with minimum earthworks.
When compared to planar laser levelling, our land forming service can save up to 80% on earthworks costs, because the aim is not to totally level the surface, but to optimise.
OptiSurface Landforming vs Planar Laser Levelling
There are a few main benefits as to why OptiSurface is our landforming solution of choice compared to laser, including:
- Lower earthworks = lower costs
- Less topsoil movement = less yield impact
- Easier operation (GPS machine control) & setup
- Elimination of infield drains
- Better field layout
Vantage BMS’s Landforming Solutions
With 40 years of experience under our belts, we’re proud to be a leader in water management and offer the industry’s leading end-to-end landforming solutions.
Our designers utilise the world’s leading system for farm earthworks designs, OptiSurface, to produce a number of land form optimisation options, balancing drainage requirements, budget and erosion control whilst minimising earthworks.
So, if you’ve been struggling with waterlogged fields and ponding that’s affecting your operation and impacting your yield, have a chat with one of our team or download our Beginner’s Guide to Landforming below.